The tough torn of this world started with hypocrisy and as such will end with hypocrisy. From all human endeavors, hypocrisy seem to be canalizing all affairs. Those who are good at it can maneuver in slippery grounds to the admirations of many. They cover their black faces with white cloth. It requires a very careful look to expose a hypocrite.
On the floor of the lawmaking house, a wannabe president sneaked in a hypocritical statement after he sneaked in and out of the conflict gushing town of Bawku for reasons best known and left to his ‘black’ heart. Bawku is part of Ghana and whatever happens there should concern the minority leader. I cannot take that away from the soft-spoken politician. Ironically, the minority leader pulled a fast one on the good people of Bawku. He acted as though he is much concerned about the troubles in Bawku, but no matter how smart he is, he can never be smarter beyond the brains of all Ghanaians.
Bawku has been on the news for the past four months when some criminals decided to destruct the peace for their closed-minded interest. Was Haruna Iddrisu fast asleep for all that tough period when innocent persons were killed by military men?
Like a household, Bawku has traditional leaders who receive objective guests. Did Haruna Iddrisu care to call on these leaders when he sneaked into the trouble-enclave?
Can the minority leader be truthful to the good of Ghana and as such tell us those who received him as well as those who briefed him?
The minority leader was clear that he was told that “who can’t go here, you can’t there”. Did he take time to ask his ‘men’ the WHY and HOW question?
If movement of persons are restricted all at a sudden, then, it means there is a reason and a cause. Did the ‘concerned minority leader’ ask to know why movement of persons are curtailed?
Will he endorse what is currently happening in Bawku in his home town?
It will be immature for a man of Haruna Iddrisu’s caliber to meet some children on a critical matter like this and decided to ignore traditional protocol and went on a hypocritical shouting spree in parliament.
Curtesy is very important in the northern tradition and the Minority leader should not be told of this.
As if it was a preplanned statement, some small boys under the leadership of one notorious self-acclaimed leader of the Mamprusis, Mbagura Majeed quickly issued a presser to congratulate the minority leader shortly after the statement on the floor of parliament.
If these hired boys want to be taken seriously, then, they should have issued a similar statement to congratulate the sitting Member for Parliament of Bawku when he spoke the hardcore truth on the Bawku conflict some few weeks back.
If the Minority leader want to be taken seriously, then he should come properly. He has failed.
In a lengthy interaction with a learned scholar on the chronic Bawku crisis, one thing that was clear in that friendly interaction was the pure display of naked hypocrisy by persons and groups that matters in this country.
Dear minority leader, you have failed. Please come again!
Haruna Sumaila Abugri.