The Talensi District Director of the Complementary Education Agency which was formerly called Non Formal Education Devision, Mr. Francis Aniah has expressed worry at the practice where the speaking of local languages particularly the Gurune language has been prohibited and made illegal in some schools, A practice he says is hampering the ability of students to speak their local language.
” Yes it is disturbing and very disturbing. The language you speak alone is able to identify who you are or where you are coming from. You realise that we no longer practice tribal marks ,so when we are mixed with other people and say some people say all this set of people, we have to harm or disturb them it is only your language that can save you to say you are not part of them. So our language will tell if we are Kusasis, Akan, Hausa or Builsa. “
Answering a question on the accession that one’s ability to speak English is what is needed to advance in education, Mr. Francis debunked suggestions that it is only the speaking of English that can propel one to advance in his or her educational journey. He says the ability of someone to speak the Gurune language helps the child to understand the English language better and even advance better than those who only speak English without knowing their Guruni translations.
” It is not true that it is only when you speak English that you can advance in your education. You see that as we were learning, if the child understands all the consonants and vowels and how to combine them to form words, it will help the child to use that knowledge to pronounce new words and read well which would be helpful to his or her education.”
Mr. Francis called on parents and guardians to rather encourage their wards to speak the Gurune language both in school and at home because it promotes learning.
Mr. Francis was speaking at the sidelines of a three days training for Gurune facilitators at the Sacred Heart Catholic Social Centre in Bolgatanga to equip the participants with the requisite knowledge on Gurune consonants and vowels.
By: Simon Agana Blessing/mywordfmonline.com